Non-Destructive Laser Modification Inspection System

Industry-first Non-Destructive Laser Modification Inspection System with SpiroxLTS Technology!

Tomogram of Laser Modification for Superior Pre-Etching Quality Assessment & Precision Control for Success!


  • Exclusive Patented SpiroxLTS Technology!

    Advanced optical measurement with SpiroxLTS Technology for the improvement of the laser modification to best match the glass processing.
  • No Destruction on Sample!

    Non-destructive inspection with SpiroxLTS enables precise control of laser modification performance, significantly reducing process costs and optimizing production conditions!
  • Precise critical via dimension measurements

    Ultimate optimization tool for the TGV process, ensuring unparalleled manufacturing precision!
TGV Manufacturing Process Optimization


Patented SpiroxLTS technology, precisely analyzing laser modification effectiveness
Non-Destructive Measurement, Zero Contact, Zero Damage. 
Comprehensive inspection of laser modification continuity and uniformity, ensuring that laser modification quality meets process design requirements!
Comprehensive TGV inspections: TCD (top critical dimension), Waist CD (critical dimension), BCD (bottom critical dimension), depth, roundness, taper angle, via axis verticality.
TGV Dimension Measurement



Industry-First Direct Identification

The only technology for inspecting laser modification continuity and uniformity, providing early prediction of etched perforation outcomes after laser modification.

Process Parameter Optimization & Calibration

Tomogram of laser modification enables rapid adjustment of laser parameters and optimization of optical path design, significantly saving process development time.

TGV Profile Inspection

Offering a more efficient, direct, and concrete inspection method compared to time-consuming SEM, higher visibility than conventional optical microscopy, and superior to restricted-range surface profilometry.

Precise Measurement of TGV Size & Inspection of Structural Defects

TGV through-hole vertical axis deviation, critical dimensions.

Laser Modification Impact on Post-Etching TGV



Process Development
Significantly shortens development time and effectively reduces R&D costs. Precisely select laser source and glass material to ensure that TGV laser modification and through-hole etching meet manufacturing quality specifications.
Process Monitoring
Monitor laser modification quality before etching, providing real-time prediction on whether etching is necessary, avoiding blind etching from past practices and preventing unnecessary cost waste.
TGV Yield Improvement
Monitor TGV through-hole quality, reduce product defects, increase output, and prevent the batch costs associated with ineffective yield.

3D Tomogram : Continuity and Uniformity of Laser Modification

Dynamic Tomogram of Laser Modification
(Laser modification changes along the vertical depth)




Item Content
Model Number SP8000G
Model Name SP8000G Non-Destructive Laser Modification Inspection System
Key Optical Technology Nonlinear Optical Inspection (Application wavelength 1200~1800 nm)
Applicable Sample Size

Standard: 300 mm x 300 mm

Extended: 510 mm x 515 mm

Sample Thickness Maximum thickness*: 1200µm
Measurement Items Laser Tomography Scan, 3D Imaging, and Dynamic Tomogram; TGV Aperture Size and Roundness Measurement, Waist Depth Positioning, 3D Profile Image, and Cross Section Analysis
FOV / Measurement Time FOV 400µm x 400µm**;3.5 seconds / frame***
Measurement Accuracy

X, Y axis precision < 1.5µm, Z axis precision < 2µm

(@ 20x objective, numerical aperture 0.8)

Inspection Modes Micro-area imaging, sub-region automatic measurement, coordinate-based automatic measurement, random automatic measurement, script scanning process.

Dimensions and Weight


Standard: L2.4 m x W1.8 m x H1.8 m (Weight: 2600 kg)

Extended: L2.6 m x W2.0 m x H1.8 m (Weight: 3200 kg)

Electrical Specification

220V 60Hz AC 1500W

* Double-sided measurement
** At 20x objective magnification
*** Scanning resolution: 512 x 512 pixels

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