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Wafer Inspection System
TASMIT Provides the Highest Speed AOI in The Industry!
✔ INSPECTRA® Series meet the requests of 100% automatic inspection with high speed and high specifications from front-end to back-end of semiconductor processing.
✔ The original "Die-to-Statistical-Image" comparison method achieves the target defects detection controlling process variation and overkill.
✔ INSPECTRA® Series meet the requests of 100% automatic inspection with high speed and high specifications from front-end to back-end of semiconductor processing.
✔ The original "Die-to-Statistical-Image" comparison method achieves the target defects detection controlling process variation and overkill.
INSPECTRA® | Features | Advantages |
Large FOV with Small Pixel Size | High speed and high sensitivity | High throughput with good detection result |
Die-to-Statistical-Image Algorithm | Achieve the target defects detection | Control process variation and overkill |
Various Lineup Optical and Hardware Systems | Provide optimal detection solutions | Applicable for various wafer size and types |
Item | INSPECTRA® Series |
Applicable Wafer Size Type | 2~12 inch, Silicone wafer / Framed wafer / Compound wafer / Glass etc. |
Target Defect Size | > 0.5 μm |
Application | Front side / Backside / Edge |
Usage Track Record | LSI, CISs, MEMS, LED, Bump/TSV/Via Inspection, Power Semiconductor, SiC, GaN, Compound Semiconductor |