Wafer Inspection System

TASMIT Provides the Highest Speed AOI in The Industry!

✔ INSPECTRA® Series meet the requests of 100% automatic inspection with high speed and high specifications from front-end to back-end of semiconductor processing.
✔ The original "Die-to-Statistical-Image" comparison method achieves the target defects detection controlling process variation and overkill.


INSPECTRA® Features Advantages
Large FOV with Small Pixel Size High speed and high sensitivity High throughput with good detection result
Die-to-Statistical-Image Algorithm Achieve the target defects detection Control process variation and overkill
Various Lineup Optical and Hardware Systems Provide optimal detection solutions Applicable for various wafer size and types


Item INSPECTRA® Series
Applicable Wafer Size Type 2~12 inch, Silicone wafer / Framed wafer / Compound wafer / Glass etc.
Target Defect Size > 0.5 μm
Application Front side / Backside / Edge
Usage Track Record LSI, CISs, MEMS, LED, Bump/TSV/Via Inspection, Power Semiconductor, SiC, GaN, Compound Semiconductor

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