IOL & Power Cycling Test Systems

NI SET IOL & Power Cycling Test System is relevant for silicon-based as well as SiC and GaN power semiconductors​, increasing measurement quality and throughput while reducing test costs on an open platform. This enables seamless monitoring and precise determination of all parameters of each DUT.


To meet the lifetime of power semiconductors in compliance with test standards like AQG 324 and AECQ-101, engineers perform intermittent operational life (IOL) and power cycling tests where the DUTs are switched on and off continuously to thermally stress them at the chip-near joins. 

NI SET IOL and Power Cycling Test System not only meets test standards like AQG 324 and AECQ-101 but also achieves high throughput, high efficiency, and high measurement quality, ensuring that engineers can effectively enhance testing efficiency.



Seamless monitoring and precise determination of all parameters of each DUT
Capturing every single stress pulse with full recording capabilities in a fully automated process, complete with comprehensive characterization
Testing in accordance with AQG 324 and AECQ-101 test guidelines
Open test platform, suitable for testing silicon as well as SiC and GaN power semiconductors
Multiple drawers compatible with standard housings, along with custom adaptations for diverse substrates


Intermittent Operational Life (IOL)
Testing discretes with loads up to 150A
Up to 80 channels per system, 8 channels per drawer
Monitoring parameter: Tc, Iload, Vload, VReverse (VF), Rth, Tvj (Tjmax – Tjmin)
The test system is MIL-STD-750D compliant
Power Cycler
Up to 12 measurement channels at two current paths; gate drive from -18 up to +20V
Load current of up to 1000A, 30V at PSU output
Up to six independent cooling circuits, automatically flow controlled and temperature monitoring
Monitoring parameter: Iload, Vf, Vgs, Tvj, Tc/s, Rth, Tcool, Qcool, voltage of stress paths

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