IGBT Test Solution
ShibaSoku provides the most advanced ATE for power devices, meeting the needs for high voltage (2000V) and high current (6000A) product tests. The test system supports KGD (Known Good Die) chip test to improve yield for MCP (Multi-Chip Package) or SiP (System-in-Package), reducing packaging costs caused by waste from Bad Die.
DC Test System
This system is suitable for DC testing of IGBT, IGBT module (1in1~7in1). Built-in hi-current switching relay circuit inside test head,
it is capable of DC testing of a single device and module. Highly accurate and repeatability testing is achieved through short interval rise in current which effectively controls high-current heating.
AC Test System
This system is suitable for AC (Dynamic) testing of MOS/IGBT.
Protection circuit which is capable of high speed block is incorporated in the system to avoid any damages of its contactor and DUT with minimized controllable Ls parameter.
DC Test System
Equipped with threshold voltage (Vth) test function
Support test needs for high-current Vth, high-voltage Vth, and low-current Vth
Slot structure for convenient maintenance
High-speed high-current source
Meets test needs from automotive electronics to power devices
Parameter Input Program Generator (PIPG) makes it easy to generate programs by simply selecting and setting measurement items and values
AC Test System
Dynamic test system for MOSFET/IGBT
Waveform analysis for di/dt and dv/dt test
Meets the test needs of high-speed switching devices
Ultra-low parasitic inductance control can accurately reflect the data of device specifications
Real-time detection of abnormal voltage and current, with rapid cutoff protection
Meets test needs from automotive electronics to power devices
Parameter Input Program Generator (PIPG) makes it easy to generate programs by simply selecting and setting measurement items and values
Combined DC and AC high-voltage, high-current test system
Meets the requirements for multi-station high-temperature/ambient temperature test
Test Specifications
DC Test System | AC Test System |
2000V/1000A (7in1) | L-SW, RRSOA, SCSOA |
2000V/1600A (2in1) | Vdd: 50~1200V |
Dedicated function for threshold voltage measurement(Vth) | Ic: 10~2400A (SC ~6000A) |
IGES, ICEX, VCE_sat, Vth, etc | Manual switching method in L |
Easy program generating by PIPG | Selecting method in R of Rg |