DGS Power Semiconductor Test System​

NI SET DGS Test System identifies new failure effects in SiC and GaN power semiconductors using application-oriented dynamic gate stress tests, which employ fast voltage shifts to stimulate fault mechanisms at the gate terminal.


The DGS test system converts the extended requirements from industry into automated dynamic tests, emphasizing flexibility to quickly adapt to changing requirements. In addition to the stimuli, the DGS test system also offers numerous in-situ measurements to determine relevant parameters in a defined time period. In-situ measurements show the long-term effects of dynamic gate stress on the gate oxide efficiently and enable you to provide precise statements to your customer.


Supports up to 240 DUTs with hot/cold plate temperatures ranging from 20°C to 200°C
Offers high voltage drain stimuli up to 1.5kV and maximum drain voltage up to 1500V, both software configurable
Features high dV/dt stimuli of the gate up to 1V/ns, with software-configurable voltages up to ±30V max
Provides configurable output frequencies from 0Hz to 500kHz, with duty cycle settings ranging from 25 percent to 75 percent in five percent steps
Enables testing with application-specific gate drivers for targeted assessments



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