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Latest News
Professional semiconductor equipment provider Spirox Corporation (TWSE: 3055) launches its new website today at www.spirox.com, offering customers and partners a refreshed digital interaction experience. This comprehensive upgrade spans from design aesthetics to user experience, highlighting the Spirox’s commitment to business development, customer service, and information security. The new website also reflects Spirox's dedication to corporate transformation and innovation, reinforcing its core brand values.
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Spirox participates at SEMICON China 2023 (Booth# E7223, E7 )
It is our great honor to invite you as our special guest for SEMICON China 2021. We sincerely appreciate your attendance and hope to see you in our booth!
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Spirox and Southport Jointly Build an Advanced Opto-Materials Inspection Laboratory to Seize Opportunities in the Compound Semiconductor Inspection Market
Professional semiconductor solution provider Spirox Corporation (TWSE: 3055) and Southport Corporation announced an expanded collaboration of partnering with SCube Technologies Corporation to jointly establish the Advanced Opto-Materials Inspection Laboratory to provide professional optical inspection services. The laboratory is scheduled to officially launch in Linkou, Taiwan, in February 2023. In the initial phase, it plans to offer non-destructive 3D material defect inspection and 3D stress inspection analysis services. Subsequently, the laboratory will gradually expand its optical inspection and analysis capabilities to include materials such as perovskite, 2D materials, MicroLED, and applications in the biomedical field.