Silicon Photonics Tester

Jetek Technology has integrated a semi-automatic probe station with an optical testing system to build an automated testing platform for silicon photonics. This platform can test optical components such as 1DGC, 2DGC, and DC_BIAS, collecting data on insertion loss, spectrum, and calculating characteristics like peak wavelength, 1dB bandwidth, and FWMH (Full Width at Half Maximum).


Silicon Photonics Tester_01



Support various prober stations and handlers
Compatible with a wide range of measurement instruments (e.g., KEYSIGHT, EXFO, NI, etc.)
The sequence editor UI allows users to easily program test items and parameters
Features graphical display of item values
User-friendly interface, perfect for both mass production and engineering modes


Model T500S-O T500S-CL
Wavelength Operating wavelength range at 13 dBm(nm) 1240 - 1360 1500 - 1640
Wavelength uncertainly (pm) 1270 - 1360 1500 - 1620
Wavelength repeatability (pm) ±5 (typical) ±20
Wavelength stability (pm) ±5 (typical)
Wavelength resolution setting (pm) 0.1
Speed Control Maximum speed (nm/s) 200
Adjustable speed (nm/s) 20, 50, 100, 200 with bidirectional scanning
Mode-hop free operation Active mode-hop cancelation
Sweep resolution (pm) 0.1
Optical Power Maximum output power (dBm) 15 14
Nominal output over full wavelength range (dBm) 10
Power stability ±0.01 (typical)
Spectral Characteristics Linewidth (10μm integration time) (kHz) <25 (typical)
Linewidth (100μm integration time) (kHz) <250 (typical)
Side mode suppression ration (SMSR) (dB) > 45
Signal-to-source spontaneous emission ration (SSSER) (dB) 90 (typical)
Signal-to-total-source spontaneous emission ration (STSSER) (dB) 75 (typical)
Relative intensity noise (RIN)(dB/Hz) -145
Optical Output Optical fiber type PM optical fiber, FC/APC connector
PER (dB) 17 (typical)


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