ESG Risk Assessment

To advance sustainable development, the company established a cross-functional "Sustainable Development Task Force" on January 24, 2024, as reported to the Board of Directors. Chaired by the CEO, the task force comprises representatives from Business, Human Resources, Operations, Finance, and Corporate Governance, with a designated secretary managing operations.


The task force identifies key sustainability issues, formulates strategies, and assigns implementation to respective departments, ensuring alignment with daily operations. Progress is monitored by the secretary to ensure effective execution. The task force reports annually to the Board of Directors on policies, strategies, and outcomes, enabling oversight and continuous improvement.


This disclosure data and risk assessment boundary cover the consolidated company. Risk assessment items are based on communication with internal and external stakeholders, a review of domestic and international research reports, and the integration of practical operational data from various departments and subsidiaries.


Risks are evaluated by calculating risk values according to the possibility of occurrence and impact severity. A materiality principle is applied to analyze significant ESG issues, establish effective policies for identifying, assessing, monitoring, and controlling risks, and implement specific action plans to mitigate the associated risks.


Based on the assessed risks, the following risk management policies or strategies are established for significant ESG issues:

Major Issues Risk Assessment Items Policies or Strategy
Environment International Political and Economic Situation The pressures from international political and economic situations, along with geopolitical conflicts, are driving the restructuring of global supply chains toward regionalization ("China + N" has become the current global trend). In response, the Company is actively developing proprietary products and strengthening industry-academia collaborations to quickly enter the Taiwanese market and subsequently expand into global markets.
Society Corporate Culture Integration Incorporating the Company’s core culture, functional roles, and organizational alignment into the assessment process, while continuously optimizing systems that align with corporate governance practices.
Corporate Governance Technical Capabilities To support product development and enhance competitiveness, the Company has established a R&D team and strengthened industry-academia collaboration. Additionally, an intelligent property management system has been established, aligned with operational objectives, to seize market opportunities and ensure continued growth.
Financial Impact In budget formulation, the company ensures that each budget is supported by accurate data sources, with background analysis derived from historical trends, industry benchmarks, and market analysis. Regular (monthly) assessments are conducted to monitor the achievement of operational goals, ensuring alignment with the company's strategic objectives.

Report to the Board of Directors on the Implementation of Sustainable Development


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